Stole for Ordinary Time or Season after Pentecost
Those items bolded on the drop down size menu to the right are those in stock. The other sizes are those we will make as a "Made to Order" stole. Please see "Made to Order" information on the right. Questions? email or call 250-344-7815.
"Road to the Sacred"
"The road to the sacred is paved with the ordinary."*
As we live a life during Ordinary Time focusing on our personal growth in the Spirit we have the gift of a season which allows us to grow and ripen. Some people consider that this "green" season is too long and drawn out, but we get to take time to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. We can even slow down to smell the roses. We get to look around us and enjoy the journey to the sacred.
The journey of our everydayness is filled with the ordinary events of joy, pain, fear, anger, confusion, happiness, contentment, and on and on. It is easy to associate big events such as the birth of a child with the grace of God in our lives, but we often forget that God is in the details, the everydays of our life. These moments along the way are not what is happening on the way to a life with God. They are the way. If we slow down for a bit we will realize that Ordinary Time is not just a season sandwiched between Pentecost and Advent, but a time when we can grow and learn about who we are in the context of our faith. We must see the sacred in what seems ordinary. For then we realize that everything - the pain and the joy - is all contained within God's love.
This stole is filled with green plant life indicating this time for Spiritual growing. The entire design is within a circle which represents God's unending love. You will see a road indicating the journey to the sacred. (It is blue, however, which may also indicate a river we walk along; baptismal waters, a river to the city of God, etc.) The vine in the foreground symbolizes the vine and branches Christ compares us to in our life with God. The three leaves on the vine symbolize the Trinity.
But the vine and the grasses have further meaning. Symbols of the sacrament of communion, Christ’s blood and body, they are the grape vine and the stalk of wheat neither having come to fruition yet. Both are growing and maturing (you can see the wheat is starting to turn gold). Ordinary Time is our season of growth. We look forward as the fruits of the Spirit ripen and blossom within us.
Inspired by Nora Gallagher’s book "Things Seen and Unseen"